23 January, 2008 – 1:46 pm
As you will see in the media Minister Kosky has done about the Department of Infrastructure’s planned “review” of the bike ban, they plan to contact all relevant “stakeholders” for consultation.
Yesterday afternoon I rang Ms Kosky’s office to find out how representatives from the Bin the Bike Ban (BtBB) campaign could be involved in the review. Naturally, all the people I should have spoken to were in a meeting.
We intend to keep contacting the department until they announce who those “stakeholders” are. Obviously V/Line and Connex, but their “stake” is relatively small compared to that of cyclists. There needs to be representatives from cycling groups – regional BUGs would be a good start.
Whether or not Bicycle Victoria is part of the review is irrelevant, because they have shown on this issue they can’t be relied on to represent cyclists’ interests.
There is still no public release from DOI about the ban’s review (well, there was no release when it came into action, so I suppose it is fitting if it slinks away with similarly little fanfare). BV’s website also awaits an update.
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