29 January, 2008 – 11:50 pm

Following is the text of Bin the Bike Ban’s submission to the DOI review of the peak-hour bike ban.
Bin the Bike Ban is a coalition of cycling groups and individuals gathered to overturn the recent Department of Infrastructure ban of bicycles on peak-hour trains. We represent over 500 individuals and have connections to many Victorian cycling groups.
Our position is that cycling and multi-model travel must both be encouraged as part of an integrated public transport model that aims to minimise car use. The benefits include improved public health, reduced road congestion and reduced reliance on oil. We believe that cycling should be supported by all levels of government as a normal, integrated form of transport.
In addition, we feel that the bicycle ban has been poorly managed, with limited consultation and public awareness prior to the ban taking force in January 2008.
We fully support the encouragement of ‘feeder travel’ to train stations with the provision of secure bicycle parking. However, many
passengers need their bicycles at both ends of their train journey — bicycle parking does not totally meet their needs.
Unless otherwise specified ‘carriages’ and ‘trains’ refer to both V/Line and Connex stock. Read the rest of this entry »
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