Are you a BV member?

Jan 16: BV has now updated their website and changed the wording of their stance. They now say (Connex):

We’re also of the view that bicycles should be allowed on trains.

However, we recognise that given the current overcrowding on trains, it is unfortunately not practical to take bikes on all peak-period commuter trains. Regrettably, this will inconvenience some riders. When the overcrowding issue on trains is solved we can then approach the Public Transport Division to request that the current peak-period restrictions are lifted.

On V/Line they just ask cyclists to write to Ms Kosky and V/Line, and “keep it polite and positive”.

It’s great that member pressure has forced them justify their position (nice work folks!), but a total ban is still an untenable position. How quickly are such promises forgotten?

Do you pay membership fees to Bicycle Victoria because you want them to get More people cycling, more often?

Ask yourself, how does banning bikes on trains encourage people to cycle? How can Bicycle Victoria justify supporting this ban?

The BV website has two pages about this issue:

UPDATE: These pages have been finally updated on 31 January 2008, with additional notes: Public transport and bikes

The bikes-on-trains issue continues to develop and it is a good time to clarify our position. (Something we haven’t done well so far!). This summary describes developments so far and the position Bicycle Victoria has put to the Minister.

On 1 January bans on carrying bikes on some metro and regional train services came into effect. This ban sparked substantial media comment and letters to the Minister and Bicycle Victoria. Every aspect of the ban was commented on from ‘surely we are trying to encourage both bike riding and public transport use’ to comments on the technicalities of the ban and examples of how it would disrupt their travel arrangements.

In the light of this public debate, on 22 January the Minister announced a review of the ban. Well done everyone who wrote to the Minister. There is no doubt the strong public feedback convinced the Minister to announce the review.

(see more at link supplied above)

In response to a question at the 2007 AGM, Bicycle Victoria said:

We will continue to work hard at improving facilities and acceptance of bikes on both Metropolitan and Rural rail system but it is a difficult task and will take a while.

Who are they kidding?

Not only do cyclists have to fight the government and transport companies, but now we have to fight the very organisation that is supposed to defend our interests?

If you’re a BV member, make it clear that you find their stance on this issue unacceptable. Give them feedback and demand to know why they are not opposing this ban.

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