Archive for the ‘campaign’ Category

BtBB Ban review submission

Tuesday, January 29th, 2008

Following is the text of Bin the Bike Ban's submission to the DOI review of the peak-hour bike ban. ---- Bin the Bike Ban is a coalition of cycling groups and individuals gathered to overturn the recent Department of Infrastructure ban of bicycles on peak-hour trains. We represent over 500 individuals and ...

Meeting 10am Sat 26/1, CERES Cafe

Friday, January 25th, 2008

Please join your fellow fit & fired-up cyclists for brunch at CERES Cafe this Saturday. Saturday 10am, 26th January. CERES Cafe, 8 Lee Street East Brunswick. Purpose of meeting: Appraise progress and reappraise aims Articulate and hash out requests to take to DOI Enjoy badgy goodness Lycra-off competition* Photo from the first meeting:

BtBB to make submission to DoI review

Thursday, January 24th, 2008

Some good news. Bin the Bike Ban has been invited by the Department of Infrastructure to make a submission to the review of the bike ban. We will send in our submission by next Tuesday (29th Jan) and I would expect to have some response back about that late that week. If ...

Castlemaine: Bike ban protest

Thursday, January 24th, 2008

Alan Bull and Mark Slater protesting against the bike ban. Photographer: Jemina Wilson ABC Central Victoria: Bike ban protest ABC Online: Train bike ban sparks protest Cyclists have been at the Castlemaine and Bendigo railway stations in central Victoria this morning protesting against a ban on bicycles on peak hour trains. The State ...

Opponents of bike ban gear up for protests

Monday, January 21st, 2008

The Age: Opponents of bike ban gear up for protests Cyclists across Victoria are stepping up a gear to overturn the bike ban on trains. Connex and V/Line travellers are at loggerheads with transport operators, who say the ban is needed to ease overcrowding across the rail network. Some cycling groups ...

Flickr fun

Monday, January 21st, 2008

We now have a Bin the Bike Ban Flickr group. If you already have a Flickr account, you can join and post images directly to the group pool. If not, you can still email them to us and we will put them up. The 6 latest images from the pool will ...

Tuesday 12th Feb: planned Melbourne action

Monday, January 21st, 2008

Let this post be planning central for Tuesday 12th Feb. If you want to help, leave a comment on this post. How can you help? Let us know: Creating cardboard props [beforehand] Disseminating information via email/phone (eg. press releases) [beforehand] Disseminating information in person (eg. leaflets) [beforehand] Using cardboard props [on the day] Disseminating information in ...

Castlemaine: Bin the Bike Ban – Important Gathering, THIS Wednesday 23rd Jan, from 7am

Sunday, January 20th, 2008

PLEASE NOTE: Geelong and Melbourne actions are planned soon, so check this site for updates or subscribe to the public transport list to stay informed. From Mount Alexander Sustainability Group Bring your symbolic bike made from cardboard to Castlemaine station and tell your cycling story with others. Come share a cuppa and ...

Badges, Badges, Badges

Saturday, January 19th, 2008

No, not those ones, these ones! >>> Courtesy of Eve, we now have badges. No self-respecting campaign isn't complete without these stylish little beauties. These are just the perfect fashion accessory for any crumpler, pannier or favourite item of attire. If you want some of these must-have cycling accessories, please contact us ...

More banners!

Thursday, January 17th, 2008

OK, actually just a variation on old banners. But still... new shapes! If you need a SVG editor a good one is Inkscape. "Ban blameshifting not bikes with URL": Download the original PNG (width over 1000px) Download the 500px width PNG (displayed above) Download the 250px width PNG Download the SVG (can print at any ...