Badges, Badges, Badges

19 January, 2008 – 7:15 pm

Badges! Badges! Badges!No, not those ones, these ones! >>>

Courtesy of Eve, we now have badges.

No self-respecting campaign isn’t complete without these stylish little beauties.

These are just the perfect fashion accessory for any crumpler, pannier or favourite item of attire.

If you want some of these must-have cycling accessories, please contact us to arrange posting, drop off etc.

Hopefully stickers and more Bin the Bike Ban propaganda will be available soon.

Stay tuned!

  1. 6 Responses to “Badges, Badges, Badges”

  2. Youre rad Eve. Well done!

    By Tobe on Jan 20, 2008

  3. Ta, now if anyone has or has access to a badgemaker, I’d be grateful if I could borrow it. I can make more at Sticky, but they are a bit pricey and I’d prefer to churn them out at home. Anyone know where student union equipment ended up after Howard’s bin the student union campaign?

    By Eve on Jan 20, 2008

  4. happy to help print badges – ( the current logo is a bit crap – visually parses as “Bin The Ban on Trains and Bikes” and contains a double negative – what’s wrong with plain text “Bin the Bike Ban” or the more positive and recognisable “I <3 [bikes]” … anyway.

    I have a bit of time around lunchtime free in town 12-1 at the moment. Badgemaking is MOAR fun with an extra pair of hands too btw. 😉 Will bring some suitable PDF printouts.

    By Alex on Jan 21, 2008

  5. oh yeah make the 3.5cm ones
    they’re cheaper 😀

    By Alex on Jan 21, 2008

  6. Absolutely nothing wrong with your suggestions — we were pressed for time and had to get something out there for people to wear. Please do make some other designs, although the original with the hand-drawn exclamation marks will be a collectors’ item, you realise.

    They are 3.5cm.

    By Eve on Jan 22, 2008

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  2. Jan 25, 2008: Bin the bike ban! » Blog Archive » Meeting 10am Sat 26/2, CERES Cafe

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