Are you affected? Fill out Bicycle Victoria’s survey
7 January, 2008 – 5:08 am
If you’re at all affected by the new bike ban, make sure you fill out Bicycle Victoria’s “Bikes, Trains and Work” survey. It is not only for BV members. And as a matter of fact there is not much space to express your opinion, so if you are a BV member, be sure to contact them and express your feeling as a member towards their support for these bans.
5 Responses to “Are you affected? Fill out Bicycle Victoria’s survey”
Have had an extra hour added to my travels to work following this non-sensicle “policy on the fly” decision by the state government. It just dosn;t make sence to ban bikes on V’locity and the old red rattler loco’s.
By Simon Ovenden on Jan 7, 2008
I recently went to America and saw some great examples of how bikes can be put onto buses. Also, recently eight of us went on a bike tour to Mt Eccles and Gariwerd. Trying to organise with V-line to take eight bikes was more difficult and took longer and more phone calls than my entire trip overseas. Despite the recalcitrant attitude of v-line to bikes we managed to get eight bikes onto the train to Warrnambool, and back from Ararat with no problems to other passengers. the luggage space takes 4 bikes with now worries at all. I have included some pictures on my flickr account. Please feel free to use them if appropriate for this campaign.
By Geoff on Jan 7, 2008
I as a disabled person whom cops enough shit from the general ignorance of the public are now forced to retreat on yet another front. I have a balance problem that is good one day bad the next. factors that change it are,fluid intake, what I eat, Sleep or lack of from getting home late because some pervert decided I could not take my wheel chair ”bike” on the train. Why should people doing something abouit there health, enviroment, Ha thats where this ban comes from doctors are not makeing enough profit. I use my bike for more than transport, I use it to save tax payers heaps of money and not to be a burden on others.
By gregory potter on Jan 7, 2008
Thanks Geoff, you are a champ!
By pfctdayelise on Jan 8, 2008
This is affecting me already. I only use the trains when I really need to, to cross the city west-east.
If you need visual media help with this campaign please contact me, I am happy to help you. See
By Kerry Tait on Jan 16, 2008